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Create A Liquidity Staking Pool

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:


Always check to make sure you are connecting to the official dApploy app https://testnet.dapploy.xyz

Connect Your Wallet

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes: Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes: Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:

Connect Wallet

Select Your Network

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:

Select Network

Input Your Pair and Token Address

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes: Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes: Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:

Pair and Yield

Common Address Errors

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:

Invalid Pair AddressInvalid Token Address

Once the addresses have been input in the text fiel, confirm that you've reade the terms & services

Supplying Yield Rewards

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower

Supply YieldYield Balance Error

Defining The Pool Duration

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower

Pool Duration

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower

Logo AssetsPNG ErrorNo Logo Assets

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower

Social LinksWebsite Input Correct

Finalize Your Purchase

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower

OverviewReferral Address Error

Your Pool Address

Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower your tokens price impact in less than 5 minutes:Decentralize your liquidity pool and lower

Your Pool AddressWrite FunctionexcludeFromFeeConfirm Dsiclaimer