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This contract is used to deploy new liquidity staking pairs. Only the factory deployer can create LP staking pools.


Only the BSC testnet contract is currently available at

Binance Smart Chain: 0x5FAEB20443F9d201f21dF71534f6179df960f2F2
Binance Smart Chain: 0x5FAEB20443F9d201f21dF71534f6179df960f2F2
Binance Smart Chain: 0x5FAEB20443F9d201f21dF71534f6179df960f2F2
Binance Smart Chain: 0x5FAEB20443F9d201f21dF71534f6179df960f2F2
Binance Smart Chain: 0x5FAEB20443F9d201f21dF71534f6179df960f2F2
Binance Smart Chain: 0x5FAEB20443F9d201f21dF71534f6179df960f2F2
Binance Smart Chain: 0x5FAEB20443F9d201f21dF71534f6179df960f2F2